Showing Vectors

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Cosmographia can show vectors to illustrate the following directions:

Method(s) to Render Vector
Velocity Direction
Shows vector that points in the direction of object’s motion.
Object Menu: Right-click object and click Velocity Direction from the displayed options.
Sun Direction
Shows vector that points towards the Sun.
Object Menu: Right-click object and click Sun Direction from the displayed options.
Earth Direction
Shows vector that points towards the Earth.
Object Menu: Right-click object and click Earth Direction from the displayed options.
Direction to Another Body
Shows vector that points towards another object.
Object Menu: Select object [OBJECT] TO WHICH the direction vector will point. Right-click object FROM WHICH the direction vector will point. Click Direction to OBJECT.
Boresight Vector
Shows vector that represents the boresight of an instrument sensor.
Left Toolbar: Find name of sensor with search icon, click Boresight (also in search icon panel).
Shows the vector that points in the direction opposite of the direction of a vector.
Object Menu: Select Body of desired vector. Right-click vector. Click Show Anti-Vector from the displayed options.